Monday, May 25, 2020
Denglisch Dictionary When Languages Collide
As cultures intersect, their languages often collide. We see this often between English and German and the result is what many people have come to refer as Denglish.à Languages often borrow words from other languages and English has borrowed many words from German, and vice versa. Denglish is a slightly different matter. This is the mashing of words from the two languages to create new hybrid words. The purposes vary, but we see it often into todays increasingly global culture. Lets explore the meaning of Denglish and the many ways its being used. Definition While some people prefer Denglish or Denglisch, others use the word Neudeutsch. While you may think that all three words have the same meaning, they really dont. Even the term Denglisch has several different meanings. The word Denglis(c)h is not found in German dictionaries (even recent ones). Neudeutsch is vaguely defined as, die deutsche Sprache der neueren Zeit (the German language of more recent times). This means it can be difficult to come up with a good definition. Here are five different definitions for Denglisch (or Denglish): Denglisch 1: The use of English words in German, with an attempt to incorporate them into German grammar. Examples: Downloaden (download), as inà ich habe den File gedownloadet/downgeloadet. Or the English words as used in Heute haben wir ein Meeting mit den Consultants.*Denglisch 2: The (excessive) use of English words, phrases, or slogans in German advertising. Example: A German magazine ad for the German airline Lufthansa prominently displayed the slogan: Theres no better way to fly.Denglisch 3: The (bad) influences of English spelling and punctuation on German spelling and punctuation. One pervasive example: The incorrect use of an apostrophe in German possessive forms, as in Karls Schnellimbiss. This common error can be seen even on signs and painted on the side of trucks. It is also seen for plurals ending in s. Another example is a growing tendency to drop the hyphen (English-style) in German compound words: Karl Marx Straße versus Karl-Marx-Straße.Denglisch 4: The mi xing of English and German vocabulary (in sentences) by English-speaking expats whose German skills are weak.Denglisch 5: The coining of faux English words that are either not found in English at all or are used with a different meaning than in German. Examples: der Dressman (male model), der Smoking (tuxedo), der Talkmaster (talk show host). *Some observers make a distinction between the use of anglicized words in German (das Meetingà is anglicized) and Denglischs mixing of English words and German grammar (Wir haben das gecancelt.). This is especially noted when there are already German equivalents which are shunned. There is a technical difference as well as a semantic one. For instance, unlike Anglizismus in German, Denglisch usually has a negative, pejorative meaning. And yet, one can conclude that such a distinction usually draws too fine a point; it is often difficult to decide whether a term is an anglicism or Denglisch. Language Cross-Pollination There has always been a certain amount of language borrowing and cross-pollination among the worlds languages. Historically, both English and German have borrowed heavily from Greek, Latin, French, and other languages. English has German loan words such as angst, gemà ¼tlich, kindergarten, masochism, and schadenfreude, usually because there is no true English equivalent. In recent years, particularly following the World War II, German has intensified its borrowings from English. As English has become the dominant world language for science and technology (areas that German itself once dominated) and business, German, more than any other European language, has adopted even more English vocabulary. Although some people object to this, most German-speakers do not. Unlike the French and Franglais, very few German-speakers seem to perceive the invasion of English as a threat to their own language. Even in France, such objections seem to have done little to stop English words like le weekend from creeping into French. There are several small language organizations in Germany that see themselves as guardians of the German language and try to wage war against English. Yet, they have hadà little success to date. English terms are perceived as trendy or cool in German (English cool is coolà in German). English Influences on German Many well-educated Germans shudder at what they view as the bad influences of English in todays German. Dramatic proof of this tendency can be seen in the popularity of Bastian Sicks 2004 humorous book entitled Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod (the dative [case] will be the death of the genitive). The bestseller (another English word used that is used in Germany) points out the deterioration of the German language (Sprachverfall), caused in part by bad English influences. It was shortly followed up by two sequels with even more examples arguing the authors case. Although not all of Germans problems can be blamed on Anglo-American influences, many of them can. It is in the areas of business and technology in particular that the invasion of English is most pervasive. A German business person may attend einen Workshop (der) or go to ein Meeting (das) where theres eine Open-End-Diskussion about the companys Performance (die). He reads Germanys popular Manager-Magazin (das) in order to learn how to managen the Business (das). At their Job (der) many people work am Computer (der) and visit das Internet by going online. While there are perfectly good German words for all of the English words above, they just arent in (as they say in German, or Deutsch ist out.). A rare exception is ââ¬â¹the German word for computer, der Rechner, which enjoys parity with der Computer (first invented by the German Conrad Zuse). Other areas besides business and technology (advertising, entertainment, movies and television, pop music, teen slang, etc.) are also riddled with Denglisch and Neudeutsch. German-speakers listen to Rockmusik (die) on a CD (pronouncedââ¬â¹ say-day) and watch movies on a DVD (ââ¬â¹day-fow-day). Apostrophitis and the Deppenapostroph The so-called Deppenapostroph (idiots apostrophe) is another sign of the decrease in German-language competence. It too can be blamed on English and/or Denglisch. German does use apostrophes (a Greek word) in some situations, but not in the way often misguided German-speakers do so today. Adopting the Anglo-Saxon use of apostrophes in the possessive, some Germans now add it to German genitive forms where it should not appear. Today, walking down the street of any German town, one can see business signs announcing Andreas Haar- und Nagelsalon or Karls Schnellimbiss. The correct German possessive is Andreas or Karls with no apostrophe.à An even worse violation of German spelling is using an apostrophe in s-plurals: Autos, Handys, or Trikots. Although the use of the apostrophe for the possessive was common in the 1800s, it has not been used in modern German. However, the 2006 edition of Dudens official reformed spelling reference allows the use of the apostrophe (or not) with names in the possessive. This has provoked a rather vigorous discussion. Some observers have labeled the new outbreak of Apostrophitis the McDonalds effect, alluding to the use of the possessive apostrophe in the McDonalds brand name. Translation Problems in Denglish Denglisch also presents special problems for translators. For instance, a translator of German legal documents into English struggled for the right words until she came up with caseà Management for the Denglisch phrase technischesà Handling. German business publications often use English legal and commercial jargon for concepts like due diligence, equity partner, and risk management. Even some well-known German newspapers and online news sites (besides callingà die Nachrichtenà the news) have been tripped up by Denglisch. The respected Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) incorrectly used the incomprehensible Denglisch term Nonproliferationsvertrag for a story on the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. In good German, this has long been rendered asà der Atomwaffensperrvertrag. German TV reporters based in Washington, D.C. often use the Denglisch term Bush-Administration for what is correctly calledà die Bush-Regierungà in German news accounts. They are part of a disturbing trend in German news reporting. Case in point, a German news web search, pulls up over 100 results for Bush-Administration versus over 300 for the better-German Bush-Regierung. Microsoft has been criticized for its use of anglicisms or Americanisms in its German-language publications and software support manuals. Many Germans blame the vast U.S. firms influence for computer terms such as downloaden and uploaden instead of normal German laden and hochladen. No one can blame Microsoft for other forms of deformed Denglisch vocabulary that is an insult to both Deutsch and English. Two of the worst examples are Bodybag (for a shoulderà backpack) and Moonshine-Tarif (discounted telephone night rate). Such lexical miscreations have drawn the wrath of theà Verein Deutsche Sprache e.V.à (VDS, the German Language Association), which created a special award for the guilty parties. Each year since 1997, the VDS prize forà Sprachpanscher des Jahresà (language diluter of the year) has gone to a person the association considers that years worst offender. The very first award went to the German fashion designer Jil Sander, who is still notorious for mixing German and English in bizarre ways. The 2006 award went to Gà ¼nther Oettinger,à Ministerprà ¤sidentà (governor) of the German state (Bundesland) of Baden-Wà ¼rttemberg. During a TV broadcast entitled Werà rettetà dieà deutscheà Sprache (Who will save the German language?) Oettinger declared: Englischà wirdà die Arbeitssprache, Deutschà bleibtà die Sprache der Familie und der Freizeit, die Sprache, in der man Privatesà liest. (English is becoming theà workà language. German remains the language of family and leisure time, the language in which you read private things.) An irritated VDS issued a statement explaining why it had chosen Herr Oettinger for its award: Damità degradiertà erà dieà deutscheà Spracheà zuà einemà reinenà Feierabenddialekt. (He thusà demotesà the German language to a mere dialect for use when one is not at work.) The runner-up that same year was Jà ¶rg von Fà ¼rstenwerth, whose insurance association promoted the Drug Scouts to help get German youths off of drugs with slogans like Dont drug and drive. Gayle Tufts andà Dinglishà Comedy Many Americans and other English-speaking expats end up living and working in Germany. They have to learn at least some German and adapt to a new culture. But few of them earn a living from Denglisch. American-born Gayle Tufts makes her living in Germany as a comedienne using her own brand of Denglish. She coined the word Dinglish to differentiate it from Denglish. In Germany since 1990, Tufts has become a well-known performer and book author who uses a blend of German and American English in her comedy act. However, she takes pride in the fact that although she is using two different languages, she does not mix the two grammars. Unlike Denglisch, Dinglish supposedly uses English with English grammar and German with Germanà grammar. A sample of herà Dinglish: I came here from New York in 1990 for two years,à undà 15 Jahre spà ¤ter bin ichà immerà nochà hier. Not that she has made complete peace with German. One of the numbers she sings is Konrad Duden must die, a humorous musical attack on the German Noah Webster and a reflection of her frustration over trying to learn Deutsch. Tuftsà Dinglishà isnt always as pure as she claims, either. Her own Dinglish utterance aboutà Dinglish: Itââ¬â¢s basically what most Americans speak for theà zehn, fà ¼nfzehn Jahren that weà wohnà here in Deutschland.à Dinglishà is not aà neueà Phà ¤nomen, itââ¬â¢sà uraltà and most New Yorkers have been speaking ità zeità Jahren. As Deutschlands Very-First-Dinglish-Allround-Entertainerin Tufts lives in Berlin. In addition to her performing and TV appearances, she has published two books: Absolutely Unterwegs:à eineà Amerikanerin in Berlin (Ullstein, 1998) andà Miss Amerika (Gustav Kiepenhauer, 2006). She has also released several audio CDs. G.I. Deutsch or Germlish Much more rare than Denglisch is the reverse phenomenon sometimes called Germlish. This is the forming of hybrid German words by English-speakers. Its also called this G.I. Deutsch because of the many Americans stationed in Germany who sometimes invented new words from German and English (Germlish). One of the best examples has long been a word that makes Germans laugh. The Germlish wordà Scheisskopfà (sh*t head) does not really exist in German, but Germans who hear it can understand it. In German theà Scheiß-à prefix is used in the sense of lousy, as inà Scheißwetterà for lousy weather. The German word itself is much tamer than the Englishà s-word, often closer to English damn than its literal translation. ÃÅ"ber-German A variation of G.I. Deutsch is à ¼ber-German in English. This is the tendency to use the German prefixà à ¼ber-à (also spelled uber without the umlaut) and is seen in U.S. advertising and English-language game sites. Like Nietzschesà ÃÅ"bermenschà (super man), the à ¼ber- prefix is used to mean super-, master-, or best- whatever, as in à ¼bercool, the à ¼berphone, or the à ¼berdiva. Its also much cooler to use the umlauted form, as in German. Bad English Denglisch Here are just a few examples of German vocabulary that use pseudo-Englishà words or those that have a very different meaning in German. dieà Airconditionà (air conditioning)der Beamer (LCD projector)der Body (body suit)die Bodywear (underwear)der Callboy (gigolo)der Comic (comic strip)der Dressman (male model)der Evergreen ( a goldenà oldie, standard)der Gully (manhole, drain)der Hotelboy (bellboy)jobbenà (to work)der McJob (low-pay job)das Mobbing (bullying,à harassment)der Oldtimer (vintage car)der Overall (overalls)der Twenà (twenty-something) Ad English Denglisch These are just a few examples of English phrases or slogans used in German advertisements by German and international companies. Business flexibility - T-Systems (T-Com)Connecting people - NokiaScience for a better life. - Bayer HealthCareSense and simplicity - Philipsà Sonicare, the sonic toothbrushRelax. Youre dressed. - Bugatti (suits)Make the most of now. - VodafoneMehr (more) Performance - PostbankTheres no better way to fly - LufthansaImage is everything - Toshiba TVsInterior Design fà ¼r die Kà ¼che (book) - SieMaticThe spirit of commerce - Metro GroupO2 can do - O2 DSLà You Us - UBS bank (also used in U.S.)So where the bloody hell are you? - Qantas (also used in U.S.)We speak image. - Canon printerTheres more to see. - Sharp Aquos TVImagination at work. - GEInspire the next. - HitachiExplore the city limits - Opel Antara (car)
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Foreign Exchange Market Summary Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1179 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? The proceeding textual work summaries both the fundamentals and mechanisms of the gold standard, and highlights the functions of the worlds major foreign exchange markets. The foreign exchange market is a global entity. The foreign exchange market (FOREX) is dissimilar to a market like the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the New York Stock Exchange, and the Australian Securities Exchange, where trades of stock are conducted in centralized locations. In the FOREX market major international banks that participate in currency trading for risk-seeking investors who do not mind engaging in speculation. Currency is bought, sold, and traded (swapped) through the foreign exchange market. The exchange rate is determined independently by each bank yet will essentially is determined by the driver of supply and demand. Employing two rudimentary systems to establish the exchange rate between nations, the floating exchange rate system (free-floating and managed-floating), and the fixed exchange rate system, the foreign exchange market may be described as a market where the value of one nations currency is converted to another national monetary equivalent. Under the fixed exchange rate system, the exchange rate converts one countrys currency into anothers anchored in a pre-established fixed rate established by a countrys government and cannot be altered because of change occurring in a private market or with regard to supply and demand for that currency. The floating exchange rate is the exchange rate for transferring one nations currency value into another nations currency, and governed by the supply and demand for that currency in a private market operated by international banks. Because this form of exchange is dependent upon current exchange rates (values and variables), the rate of exchange does not always prove to be a profitable move. Moreover, values may be appreciative or depreciative. For instance, the dollar appreciates with respect to the yen if the yen to dollar exchange rate rises and conversely, the dollar depreciates if the yen to dollar exchange falls. Monetary exchanges that transpire over the telephone or via other electronic util ity are termed, over-the-counter. Spot exchanges occur instantaneously. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Foreign Exchange Market Summary Finance Essay" essay for you Create order On December 22, 1717, Sir Isaac Newton, master of the English mint, established the price of gold at 3 pounds, 17 shillings, 10.5 pence per ounce. England was then on the gold standard and stood willing to convert gold to currency, or vice versa, until World War I, except during the Napoleonic Wars. During that period, London was the dominant center of international finance. It has been estimated that more than 90 percent of world trade was financed in London.(Ball, et al., p.147, 2006) Akin to Sir Isaac Newtons ideals, each country set a certain number of units of its currency per ounce of gold, and the comparison of the numbers of units per ounce from country to country was the exchange rate between any two currencies on the gold standard. The gold standard is the recognized benchmark to which currency is calculated in relation to its gold equality value and where currency is exchangeable for a specific amount of gold. Since, the gold standard was espoused by the bulk of industria lized or trading countries. Under this standard, paper or coin currency may be exchanged for its equal value in gold. Essentially, individuals were permitted to exchange cash or coins for pure gold. Due in part to this open exchange for gold, governments were to maintain gold reserves of adequate proportion to satisfy these gold exchanges. While the majority of worldly nation held dollars, pounds, or gold in their reserve, the United Kingdom and the United States held the needed gold in reserve. With regard to the gold standard, World War I and the Great Depression signaled eras of dramatic change. In 1933, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt outlawed private gold ownership (except for the purposes of personal adornment (jewelry), the gold standard effectively evaporated in the United States of America. Officially, the U.S. went off the gold standard in 1971. Until recent years, the gold standard was all but abandoned. Advocates, like Jacques Rueff, hold that the gold standard as a form of international monetary is quite practical. Why? The monetary purchasing powers of nations operate independently, free from government and political policy influence. Under this system no one country, despite size, economic status, or BOP can produce more currency than its reserve worth. In other words, under this advantageous system of control, the gold standard limits the power of governments to regulate the price of inflation by production of excessive currency; forming an effective mea ns of evading inflation and unemployment. Advocates also edify that gold is an asset that is superior to any form of world currency. Additionally, and importantly in a world of international trade, no government, be it foreign or domestic is able to produce currency that is not recognized under the statues of the gold standard. Likewise, the gold standard system prevents any nation from expanding its supply of currency in efforts to compensate for its debts. The international gold standard system is one of tender, whereas exchange rates are at fixed priced and a system in which exchange rates between countries are at the fixed level. If the rates rise or fall the gold standard rate would be fixed shifting gold from one nation to another nation. This generates certainty for international trades and affords the luxury of exchange rate patternization. Yet, the gold standard is interlaced with its share of negative characteristics. The largest negativity or downplaying attribute is the simple fact that countries without any or little gold are at a competitive economic disadvantage. Separately however, this drawback is an advantage to the United States the second largest gold mining nation in arrears of South Africa. The largest part of gold mining within the U.S. transpires on federally owned domain, and the grounds in Nevada being the principal source for domestic gold. Second, without an expanded money supply, the economy may stagnate. Obviously, if gold denominations are minted again; individuals will perpetrate acts of gold hoarding, removing gold from circulation. In sharp contrast to what proponents claim, those in opposition to a gold standard believe that nations would be incapable of protecting from a disaster occurring in another nation, exemplary in the case of a depression. Also, as is true with all commodities and most utilities like petroleum, gold market price fluctuates; and therefore does not possess a fixed rate suitable for currency exchange. Others find the observation that there is an inadequate supply of available gold to permit economic verve and continued growth. Last and most important of all for all who live here is that should the world opt to change to an international gold standard, at present rates, the U.S. does not even have an adequate amount of on-hand gold to reimburse its debt owed to foreign investors. Perhaps a desirable solution, which both the advocate and opponent would find comfort in is that an absolute and universal value be placed upon gold; paving way for a gold standard in the truest sense, standard never fluctuating. No, thats has been tried before by the Gold Pool.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comparing Religious Archetypes in Moby Dick, Billy Budd,...
Religious Archetypes in Moby Dick, Billy Budd, and Bartleby the Scrivener Herman Melvilles use of Biblical overtones gives extra dimensions to his works. Themes in his stories parallel those in the Bible to teach about good and evil. Melville emphasizes his characters qualities by drawing allusions, and in doing so makes them appear larger than life. In the same way that the Bible teaches lessons about life, Herman Melvilles stories teach lessons about the light and dark sides of human nature. He places his readers in situations that force them to identify with right or wrong choices. In Moby Dick, Billy Budd, and Bartleby the Scrivener, Melville encourages his readers to learn from his explanations of human natureâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦He constantly invests his time and jeopardizes his crews lives in his effort to confront his faulty God. Because of his need for religious comfort, Ahab turns the whaling voyage into a personal quest, using his crew as a tool for revenge. Melville parallels his work to The Bible to raise the character of Ahab to a higher level. The Bible is known to most readers around the world. Its lessons and values teach people how to lead moral and virtuous lives. Ahabs nature and obsession demonstrate his evil, but comparing him to the Biblical King who sinned against God and poorly ruled Gods people makes Captain Ahabs evil represent an extreme of human nature. In declaring Moby Dick not only ubiquitous, but immortal (for immorality is but ubiquity in time) (Moby 181), Melville shows how Moby Dick appears to be God-like. As the real God watches over all his people no matter where they are, Moby Dick is found everywhere at the same time. The words of Melvilles Elijah in Moby Dick parallel the prophecies of the Biblical prophet Elijah. After King Ahab led the Israelites to worship Baal, Elijah, who was the predominant prophet of the time, acted in open opposition (Douglas 24). He was forced to work alone to prove to the people that their actions were wrong. With all the Israelites assembled at Mount Carmel, Elijah proves that the profits of Baal are false profits and that Baal is a false god. This leads the Israelites back to the worship of God.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Concepts and Scope of Engineering Asset Management
Question: Discuss about the Concepts and Scope of Engineering Asset Management. Answer: Introduction The corporations end up in engaging in various contracts from day to day basis that requires commitment from time to time. It is the duty of the parties involved to focus on the stipulated issue and ensure mutual benefit. It is highly unacceptable for the individuals to use the other parties for their own advantage. The best way is handle the tasks together and raise any upcoming issues and challenges that need urgent attention. On the other hand, the breach of the contract is not accepted and is punishable in a court of law. The party that breaches the agreement may face heavy fines or lose licenses to operate their business. Moreover, it is recommended that one seeks the legal advice before signing any documents on the areas that need clarification. It ensures that one signs what they understand and will be able to meet the requirements and also the terms and conditions. In addition to that, the ethical standards should be maintained at all times so as provide quality services to t he clients and for the better running of the organization. The negligence of the ethics leads to many complications in the business that would have been avoided earlier. The discussion outlines the ethical issues affecting Samarco and the challenges being faced by BHP Billiton Limited. The Samarco Company had built a dam to ensure that the waste from the mining process was deposited there. However, there was accumulation of the waste products as the mining process increased due to the demand of iron. The organization had to increase the height of the dam quickly so as to cater for the more waste without taking into consideration the repercussion of the action. The neighboring community was living in worries of the dam bursting at any time and the Samarco Company always assured them that it would not happen and they were safe. The dam was adjacent to the village where individuals resided and carried out their day to day business to earn a living. The Samarco Company continued with its process of accumulating the wastes after it had received a warning from the dam designer. It was required that they install monitoring devices to monitor the levels of the waste on a daily basis and from time to time. The management never put this issue into consideration and they cont inued with the expansion of the dam and accumulation of the tailings waste on the dam. However, the dam burst on one evening and the mud slide destroyed the village and its business and also killing people. The destruction was catastrophic and the people lost all what they had as there was no way to rescue anything (Hyldgaard, 2015). The Samarco Company did not uphold the code of ethics as required by all the engineers taking part in their activities. They should have put the safety of the people in the neighboring community as their priority. The safety measures to save the lives of the individuals living in the village should have been put in place. However, the management did not do so and neglected it and continued mining and accumulating waste on the dam. It is unethical to put the lives of the society at risk while they had also received several warnings from the dam designer (Murphy et al, 2015). The bursting of the dam would have been prevented if they followed what they were told to do other than hurriedly increasing the dam to hold the waste (Ben, 2016). On the other hand, they should have been honest and trustworthy and help the people to vacate the neighboring area. They lied to the people that the dam would never burst as everything was in control. Moreover, they should have considered the economic, environmental and the social consequences that may happen in the future. It was important so as to promote sustainability by considering all the possible outcomes and making critical decisions. The management should also have installed the rescue team or the process in case the dam busted unawares. There should have put communication equipment to raise alarm when such an issue arose. The monitoring computerized gadgets would also have been helpful to help sound alarm when a certain state occurred. The leaders of the company were only focused on generating income and making huge profits without thinking of containing the dam waste. The ethical values are highly important and should be considered by all organizations at all times for a smooth running and the safety of the public (Murphy et al, 2015). On the other situation, the BHP Billiton should follow various recommendations so as to bring beneficial changes that will improve the business activities of the company. First of all, they should assign a particular organization to handle the mining process that is responsible and committed to their work and also upholds the ethical standards. It will ensure that the any future calamities like bursting of the dam will not happen as they will be careful. It will also help save the lives of the many people and also protect the environment that is depended on by many people to survive. The ethics are highly important and the persons that follow them succeed in their day to day activities. It will help the BHP Billiton Ltd not incur losses in their business and ensure the continuity of the mining process that is safe. Secondly, the mining company should come up with safety measures to help protect the people surrounding the dam in times of unwanted calamities such as bursting (Griggs et al, 2009). There should be warning alarms and various communications installed to help communicate to the public on what is happening. On the other hand, the waste dams should be monitored using computerized systems that will help detect any unusual changes. The management of the BHP Billiton Ltd should ensure that all the safety measures have been put in place to help protect their business. Thirdly, the waste dams should be built using the right procedure and also increased in the right to handle more tailings. Moreover, there should be several waste depository dams to reduce the accumulation on one dam. The waste dam burst due to the accumulated waste that it could not handle as earlier designed to by the initial designer. The waste dams should be built in a way that the level of the waste is to be monitored to help detect any fatal issues. It will help preserve the environment and the living organisms on the surrounding area in case of any dangers (Griggs et al, 2009). Fourthly, the neighboring community where the dams will be constructed should be relocated to ensure their safety. It will reduce the damages that occur in times of the catastrophes such as bursting of the dam. The lives of the people and the protection of the environment should be given priority so as to prevent any complications in the future. Moreover, they should choose areas where it is not populated to direct the waste. The move will help the BHP Billiton Ltd generate more income and run their businesses smoothly. Lastly, the management of the BHP Billiton Ltd should appoint individuals who will monitor the mining process by the assigned company. It will help ensure that they are doing it in the right away and putting in place all the precautions necessary. There should also be good flow of communication between the mining company and the BHP Billiton Ltd. It will ensure that the arising challenges and developments are communicated. Moreover, there should be honesty on the happ enings taking place during the mining process to help make critical decisions. Through this, the BHP Billiton Ltd will enhance their business activities and progress successfully without adverse issues arising. It will also bring more benefits to the corporation as there will no expenses utilized in the compensation of the lives of people and their property due to any disasters (Amadi-Echendu, 2010). Lastly, the situation involves the BetterCar Ltd (BC) that manufactures cars for its worldwide clients. It is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia and as well as its main production plant. The organization has come up with a new car model known as T2016 and can drive itself using the self-drive mode that has been designed by the company engineers. The purchase of the car requires the signing of a contract to seal the deal. A recent buyer known as Tom bought the car and signed the agreement without reading through. He later got an accident after activating self-drive and slept. His accident has brought various issues and challenges to the company and a memorandum should be drafted outlining the BCs rights and responsibilities. First of all, the contract between the buyer and the company will only be valid when it is signed. Moreover, one should understand the terms and conditions before signing it and comply with them after signing (Radan et al, 2009). Secondly, any negligence that c auses any accident on the roads will not be compensated by the company. It is upon the individuals to take care of themselves while driving to ensure that their safety on the road. The persons are advised to drive at the required speed by the government on the roads for their safety and that of the public. Thirdly, the company will be responsible for any damages or accident caused by the fault in the car designing. The people will be compensated and it will only happen on the clear circumstances. Any facilitated accident or damage by the owner of the car so as to acquire compensation will be dealt with severely. Fourthly, the signed contract is only based on the BC Company and the buyer of the car and no any third party. The accidents that will be caused by the buyer on the road due to the negligence to follow the traffic rules will not be compensated. The driver of the car will be liable to pay for the expenses to ensure next time they are keen on the road (Peterson et al, 2012). The fifth, the breach of the contract will not be tolerated by the corporation at any time. The individuals will have to face the court of law for their misconduct that is unacceptable. All the persons involved are required to ensure that they comply with the agreement that they have signed to avoid any future complications. The management will not tolerate such issues as they will drag the business down and there will be no smooth running of the company progress. Lastly, all the buyers are entitled to free car maintenance for the first three months. It will help ease the expenses of maintaining the car and will be inclusive on the contract form (Miller et al, 2011). On the other hand, it will give an opportunity to the individuals who have purchased the car to learn on how to carryout maintenance on their own. Moreover, the organization will be responsible in the production of cars that are environment friendly and well designed to fit the customer preferences. The cars will also un dergo thorough check up after completion to ensure that all the parts are functioning as expected. It will ensure that no accidents are caused by having any fault in the car system. The corporation will also hire highly qualified engineers that will help in the designing the cars. It is important so as to ensure that the produced vehicles are up to standard and also meet all the requirements. The company will also be responsible for the mistakes done by the engineers in the designing of the cars (Carter et al, 2007). Conclusion In conclusion, it is important for the parties engaging in any contract to understand the terms and conditions before signing the documents. 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